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No Taste For E-Waste


Our vision is a world where e-waste is in the forefront of the public consciousness; perpetuated by  a comprehensive strategy that unifies corporations and the community to empower individuals to take action to mitigate the impact of e-waste. See the ideas and initiatives  we proposed as a part of project NoTasteForE-Waste, below!


If you'd like to read more in depth about these areas, have a read of our report through the button below:

Read our report here!


It is important to recognise the imperative nature of education in securing a future of sustainability. By educating the younger generations on the importance of recycling e-waste it will ensure that society will develop a greater appreciation for the positive consequences of e-waste recycling. From our online survey, we found there is a lack of focus on e-waste and its impact on various aspects of society in the education curriculum, with 75% of participants not learning about e-waste during their formal education.


We believe that the act of teachers encouraging their students to question and evaluate the past, current and future state of e-waste would definitely significantly bolster their engagement and awareness of the problem e-waste poses to the world.


And so do a large majority of people! 98% of our survey’s participants said that including e-waste discussion in education would help the problems concerning e-waste!


Currently there is a lack of an effective, comprehensive approach to tackling the problem of e-waste. we believe that it is the Government’s responsibility  to unify the conflicting and fragmented State and Federal Laws into a single, comprehensive E-Waste strategy that encourages ethical recycling and punishes illegal exporters.

We have proposed several steps or courses of actions that they could take in order to reach this goal, including:

  • Unification of National Regulations

  • Extending Existing E-waste Recycling Programs to All E-Waste Categories

  • Making Electronics Manufacturers Responsible for their Products

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Return and Earn

It is understandable that a majority of people will be incentivised to act if they derive an explicit gain from the given activity, especially those that are monetary in nature. As a result, a pivotal element of our solution is to provide such an incentive to encourage people to recycle and engage in sustainable practices, particularly regarding e-waste.

Our solution draws on the failures and successes of the 10c Cash for Container Scheme through NSW and other states and territories across Australia as a long-term incentive for sustainable practices.

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